How can I analyze the map data I've collected?

View responses on a map
  1. In the Questionnaires main view, go to Analyze > Map responses.

    Screenshot 2024-11-13 at 4.42.30 PM.png

  2. All map questions are displayed as a list on the left. Click on the eye icon to see the answers to each question on the map.

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The name of the question is taken from the text on the drawbutton that respondents click to draw on the map. You can change the title by clicking the pen icon.

Filter map responses
  1. Click Filters on the top bar to open the filtering panel.

    Screenshot 2024-11-13 at 4.50.38 PM.png

    Any filters applied on the left side of the panel will filter all questions in the questionnaire, including map questions. Use this to e.g. see if there are any differences in places marked by different age groups.

    The right side of the filter panel is for filtering map responses based on the questions asked in the related pop-ups. These filters will only apply to the specific map questions.

    Screenshot 2024-11-13 at 4.52.43 PM.png

  2. Click Add filter to add a filter and choose a specific condition.

  3. Click Apply to apply the filter.

Multiple filter conditions can be applied at the same time. When there are multiple conditions, you can choose whether responses need to match all of them or any of them from Filter mode.

Change the color, size and opacity of points, lines, and areas

The size, opacity and color of the points, lines and areas can be changed in the analysis tool. Expand the question in the left panel and click the "cog" symbol to access the visualization options.

Tip! Play around with the opacity setting to highlight any hotspots. For example, if you set an individual map point to be slightly transparent, clusters of them will show up with a deeper color.

Create a heatmap

Identify the areas that matter by styling point responses as a heatmap. A heatmap shows the densest concentrations of points on a color scale from red (=highest) to light yellow/green. You can adjust the blur and radius of the areas by clicking the cog symbol.

Save the maps you create

Screenshot 2024-11-13 at 4.56.39 PM.png

Click Save view and name the map you have created. The map is now saved and you can return to continue work with it at any time, or tell you colleagues to go check it out.

Export maps as image files

  1. Go to Export.

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  2. Select the size of the image from Select export size. You can choose between three sizes.

  3. Click Export map image.

Identify hotspots and trends

In Explore, you can zoom in on clusters of responses and see the related respondent IDs, times and pop-up question answers on the left. This way you can easily check if they were left by multiple respondents or just one 'spammer', and find if there are similarities between pop-up question answers.

If the list does not show up, you may need to zoom in first, as the list can only contain data related to 250 points/lines/areas visible on the map at one time.

What do the numbers in Map Responses and Respondents indicate?

Map Responses: Number of responses visible on the map / Total number of responses in the map question layers you've added to the map

Respondents: Number of individual respondents whose responses are visible on the map / Total number of individual respondents in the map question layers you've added to the map

Give each point/line/area a number

By clicking the list symbol on top of the left panel, each map marking gets a number in the order in which they were made. This is useful if you need to produce a map of the answers and be able to show all comments made in the pop-up. You can export a map view with the numbers and present them with the list of answers from the Excel.

Classify and hide individual responses

In Explore, you can click any map point/line/area and add a tag to it. The tag can then be used as a filter condition in Filters. Tags are automatically saved and all team members can use them to filter map responses.

Responses can also be removed from the map. Click the response on the map and choose Hide response. Responses can be unhidden in Results > Moderate.

Tips for analyzing areas (polygons) and lines

If you asked respondents to draw lines or areas (polygons) on the map, you can use similar filter conditions and visualization options as for map pins (points). However, sometimes respondents have drawn their responses on top of each others', which can make it tricky to visualize the data.

To solve this issue, test different opacity levels to highlight any hotspots. For example, if you set the fill of drawn areas to be fairly transparent, those places where there are multiple overlapping drawings will show up in a deeper shade.

Select and Pop-up maps
If you used a Select or Pop-up map elements in your survey, you can use the analysis tool to see how many people selected each option.
  1. Select the map question.
  2. Go to Visualization and switch on Choropleth map. A choropleth map assigns different colors for the features depending on their popularity.
  3. You can also show how many times each feature was clicked (Show counts) and change the palette and opacity used.

In the case of the Pop-up map, you can also filter and examine the answers to any questions.

Download responses as shapefiles/geoJSONs (Export)
  1.  Go to the Analyze section and choose the Map responses tab.

  2. Select the layers you want to download by adding them as analysis layers. You can also set up filters; in that case only the markings that meet the filter conditions will be included in the download.


  3. You can find the download buttons under the Export tab. There are two ways you can choose to download shapefiles and GeoJSONs:

    All layers in one file

    This will create one folder (shapefile) or file (GeoJSON) which includes all the layers you want to download (please note that different types of markings, e.g. points and polygons, will always be in separate files). 

    One file per layer

    This creates separate folders/files for each layer.


Attribute table data

  • elemId = Element ID: Each question has a unique identifier called an element ID. You can find it by going to Edit mode in the survey, and navigating to the Data name tab in the question element's settings
  • responId = Respondent ID: the unique ID of the respondent
  • respNumb = Response number: If the respondent has placed several responses to this question, this number tells the order of the response
  • The following columns show responses to any pop-up questions you may have asked in relation to this map question. Their heading depends on the question.
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