Create a maptionnaire (questionnaire)


  1. Start a new maptionnaire (questionnaire)

    Log in to Maptionnaire and go to your project team. Make sure you are in the Questionnaires section.

    To start your first questionnaire, click the New Questionnaire button on the right side of the screen.

    Screenshot 2024-08-22 at 2.52.36 PM.png
  2. Add pages and content

    Click Add page to add pages to the questionnaire. Then, click Add element to add different questions and other features to the page.

    Screenshot 2024-08-22 at 2.59.07 PM.png

    To edit an element, click on it in the draft and an edit window will appear on the right. In the example below, a map point question is being edited. Element settings are divided into tabs:

    • Basic settings include the essentials.
    • Extra settings include more advanced style settings and other options that you can use to customize the content of the questionnaire.

    You can find detailed instructions on each setting by clicking the ? symbols.

    Screenshot 2024-08-22 at 3.05.26 PM.png

    To preview your questionnaire, click Preview on the upper right corner of the screen (you can select which page to preview from the cog symbol on the bottom right corner of the screen) OR by clicking the three dots on the corner of the page in the editor.

    Screenshot 2024-08-23 at 4.30.11 PM.pngScreenshot 2024-08-23 at 4.31.10 PM.png
  3. Choose page backgrounds and layouts

    Go to Settings for each page and select the type of background you want to use. You can use maps, image or color as the page background. For more instructions, please see this article.

    Screenshot 2024-08-22 at 3.08.44 PM.png
  4. Name and describe your maptionnaire

    Go to Survey settings > Title. Write the public title and provide a short public description and image. You can also give the survey an internal name (so it does not appear as "Untitled survey" in your team).

    Screenshot 2024-08-22 at 3.14.21 PM.png

  5. Set the main language

    In Survey settings > Language, choose the Main language of the questionnaire. It is always the language that you create the original questionnaire in. You can add translations by ticking the languages from the list and moving to the Translate section. Further instructions on translations can be found here.

  6. Test your maptionnaire

    When you want to share the maptionnair with testers, go to Publish. Select Publish for testing and click Publish. The maptionnaire is now published in test mode. You can still edit it (just remember to publish again each time to make the changes go live), and can see five latest respondents' responses in the analysis tool.

    Screenshot 2024-06-24 at 3.08.37 PM.png

  7. Set the publication dates and a redirect website

    Go back to Survey settings > Publication. Set the date and time for when the maptionnaire launches. If you want, you can direct respondents from the end of the maptionnaire to a website of your choice.

  8. Publish the final version

    When you are sure that the maptionnaire no longer needs any changes, go to Publish to publish a final version. Choose Publish for data collection and click Publish final version. We do not recommend making changes to the survey after this.

    Screenshot 2024-06-24 at 3.11.16 PM.png


If you know that multiple respondents will be using the same device to fill out the survey, you need to consider either turning off the default Maintain respondent session setting or using a specific version of the survey URL to trigger a fresh survey form each time the survey is accessed. You can read more about this here.

For inspiration on questionnaire design, why not take a look at our demos and customer stories?

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  • very nice, but where can i find this menu? the new website does not provide any of the tools mentioned here. 

  • Hi Jort, 

    As we explained in the support messages we exchanged about this, you need to first be invited to a project team to be able to create new questionnaires. Please contact a member of your team to be invited (you can find further details on how this process works from the previous articles in the Get started section).

    Best regards,

    Maptionnaire support


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