
This element enables you to create a public poll. The element is otherwise very similar to Choose one option, but the results that all respondents have given will be presented in chart format that is updated as new answers are submitted. The respondent can see this chart during or after answering this question, depending on the settings you choose.  For an example of this type of question in a survey, please see our demo questionnaire.

Please note that the poll includes only those votes that have been submitted. Submission of votes takes place when the respondent clicks the Done! button at the end of the questionnaire.

How to use this element:

This element works similarly to Choose one option, with the exception of a few settings. 

  1. In the Basic settings, you have to choose the type of chart you want to use. In the Answer options section, you have to determine the color that will be used for that segment in the graph or chart. You can find more customization settings from the extra settings for each answer option. Similarly to the Choose one option element, you can also use an image or a location as an answer option, and set up a page jump.


  2. In Extra settings for the element, you can switch on different settings such as making it mandatory for the respondent to answer the question before viewing the poll results chart.

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