How to read the results spreadsheet (Legacy download)

Where can I download my survey's full results?

You can download an Excel (.xslx) file that contains the full survey results from Results. It includes the map data and its coordinates. There are two different versions of it that you can download:

  • Easy = Simplified, easy-to-use listing of all your results. We strongly recommend using this one unless you need the more complicated version for a specific reason.
  • Full = More complicated version (this is also the 'old' version of the results Excel)

Why are there so many tabs?

The Excel spreadsheet contains several tabs:

  • Respondents: contains all responses to non-map based questions and is listed according to respondent ID, so one row = one respondent's answers. The columns represent the questions and answer options. The way the data is organized makes it easy to analyze further with for example the pivot table function in Excel
  • Map Questions: this sheet simply lists every map question in your survey, and which tab contains the data for each of them.
  • Tabs with names such as "geo-point-4f7jgk": each of these tabs contains responses to one map question, click map or file upload question.

What do the different columns mean?

Respondent ID = When a respondent first enters the survey, we generate an ID for them. It will remain the same for the respondent throughout the questionnaire. 

Publication ID = This identifies the publication version of the survey. When a survey is first published, it is given an ID. If you re-publish the survey (to activate changes), it’s given a new publication ID. With this information you can track which one of the published versions the respondent replied to.

Submitted = This indicates whether the respondent got to the last page of the survey and clicked ‘Done’ or not. TRUE = they clicked it, FALSE = they did not.

Submitted time =  This is the date and time when the respondent submitted their responses by clicking the <strong>Done</strong> button. The dates and times are in the UTC (GMT+0) time zone.

Please note that sometimes respondents may not understand that they need to submit their answers by clicking 'Done!', even if they have answered the entire questionnaire. This is not a problem in Maptionnaire, as we record the responses given regardless of whether they are submitted in the end or not.

First active = The date and time when the respondent first accessed the questionnaire. The dates and times are in the UTC (GMT+0) time zone)

Publication consent — This will be listed as either TRUE (=consent) or FALSE (=no consent). If you have not turned on any of the settings that ask for publication consent, consent is automatically assumed.

Participatory consent; Approved By Moderator; Hidden By Moderator; Identified; Processed = These refer to upcoming additions to handling respondent data but are as of November 2023 still inactive.

Language = The language that the questionnaire was taken in.

Different question types in the Excel:

Choose one/Poll (radio button questions) These are multiple choice questions where the respondent could choose only one answer. There are two columns for this in the Excel:
  • The first one lists the option identifier of the answer option that the respondent chose. An option identifiers are IDs: you can find the individual option's ID by going to edit mode and clicking the Data name tab in the question for that option.
  • The second column lists the option each respondent chose with the name of the option as it appeared in the survey.
Choose multiple (checkbox question)


These is a multiple choice where the respondent could choose more than one answer option. The first column shows the question. The words in brackets indicate whether each option was chosen or not. It's followed by columns for each answer option. If the respondent chose that answer, the row will read TRUE. If they did not choose that option, the row reads FALSE.

Multiple choice grid (Likert scale)

The first column shows the question and all the respondent's answers in brackets. The number indicates which response they picked per sub-question (0=1, 1=2, 2=3... and -1 =no response selected). The following columns each represent one sub-question and the answer option picked by the respondent.

Range question

The range question answers are presented in two columns. The first shows the low end of the value chosen by the respondent, and the next the high end.

Slider, number question, open question (text), date picker

Answers to these question types are presented in one column. If the row is blank, it indicates that the respondent did not respond to it.

File upload/Images and other files uploaded by respondents

The Excel sheet contains a link to the file(s) the respondent has uploaded.

Columns in the map question tabs

Index = Shows the order in which the respondent placed the map markings, if they have placed several to answer the same question. E.g. 2 means that it is the second marking that the respondent has left to that question. For Click map features Index shows the ID key of the feature that the respondent clicked.

Wkt — The coordinates for the marking. The Wkt coordinates are compatible with for example QGIS.

geoJSON — The coordinates for the marking.

Column without a title — Shows the latitude and longitude.

The columns that follow the coordinates contain the responses related to the pop-up questions.

Clickable map objects: Just like with other types of map questions, the answers given in the clickable map object pop-up window have their own tab/sheet in the results Excel. The difference is that in a clickable map object sheet, the Index column will instead list the ID of the object. This way you can see what object was clicked by each respondent and what they answered to any questions.

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