Maptionnaire structure & glossary

This article takes you on a short tour of the main sections in Maptionnaire. 

Commonly used terms

  • Team = a closed workspace for your organization. The place where you create questionnaires and other community engagement projects in collaboration with your colleagues.
  • Subgroup = a separate closed workspace under a main team. 
  • Role = each user who works in a Maptionnaire team/subgroup must have a role that determines what they can access and do
  • Element = questionnaires and webpages consist of different elements, i.e. questions and other content types
  • A maptionnaire = a questionnaire created with Maptionnaire

Accessing Maptionnaire: user accounts and teams

Let's begin with the platform's front page ( This is where you can log in to Maptionnaire

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When you're logged in, your user name appears on the upper right corner of the screen. When you click it, a drop-down menu opens.

  • Go to admin view takes you to the view shown in the image below
  • Go to public site refers to the front page of the platform (
  • Manage teams shows you the teams and subgroups you're in. A team/subgroup is a closed workspace where you and your colleagues create surveys and pages. If you have not been invited to a team/subgroup, Manage teams will not be  (read about invitations by clicking this text).
  • Account settings and My responses contain settings related to your user account 

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The question mark symbol is a shortcut to this support guide, so you can always find help easily. The globe symbol next to it allows you to choose whether you want to view the admin side of Maptionnaire in English, Finnish, Dutch, Swedish or German.


Now, let's go to Manage teams. You can view all the teams and subgroups you are in, and view and change their settings by going to Team settings. Whenever our manual refers to team settings, this is the section that we are referring to.


When you click Team settings, a smaller settings window opens up. Settings are divided under different tabs. 

  • Admin: you can change the name and description of your team. Only members of your team can see these.
  • Front page: If you are using Webpage builder, this allows you to set a specific page as your front page.
  • Members: Here you can view who is a member of your team, and invite new members. You can also change the role a member has or remove their membership altogether.
  • Roles: Each team member has to have a role, which determines the access they have in the team and what actions they can do. Here you can browse the different access options for different roles and edit them. With the Teams add-on, you can also create custom roles. 
  • Subgroups: If you have the Teams add-on, you can create subgroups under your Team. 
  • Reports: This is where you can download CSV reports on your team (and possible subgroups). You can audit the actions that team members have undertaken, and download a report of your surveys and their visitors and respondents.
  • Subscription: View your subscription details.



After you've created a user account and become a member of a team, you can start creating maptionnaires (questionnaires).

First, you need to make sure that you have selected a team. You can do this by going to Manage teams and clicking Go next to a team. When you're in a team, its name appears in the upper left corner and the sections next to it, e.g. Questionnaires, becomes active.


Click Questionnaires to get to the main view or dashboard.  Start a new maptionnaire by clicking the New questionnaire button.

Maptionnaires are organized in this section according to their publication status (drafts, published or archived) and listed by their creation date. You can search for a specific maptionnaire/webpage by its internal (non-public) name and description, and use color codes (e.g. pink in the image below) to create a more organized list.


It is possible to copy, transfer, archive and delete maptionnaires. Select the maptionnaire by clicking the checkbox next to its Internal name. Then choose the action you want to do from Actions.

Questionnaire editor

When you click New questionnaire, you are taken to the editor


On the left is a list of all pages in the maptionnaire. Click Add page to add more.

The content of the page is shown in the middle section. Add content by clicking Add element. This opens the Element library where you can pick and choose questions and other content.

Remember, you can always access this guide from the question mark symbol if you need more help! The editor also includes tooltips for each setting:



Next to Questionnaires is a section called Materials. Its purpose is to be a repository for all the materials that you want to use in your surveys, e.g. images, logos and maps. 

You can add a new file to the section by clicking one of the buttons. Draw map allows you to create a simple map layer from scratch.

materials.pngYou can search for materials in this section by type or by using search terms. To archive, copy, transfer or delete a file, tick the checkbox next to the name of the file. Then click Actions and choose accordingly.


When you have collected data with your maptionnaire, you can analyze it directly on the platform or export it.

To use the built-in analysis tool, go to Analyze in either the editor or in the questionnaires main viewIt has three sections:

  • Respondents shows you the number of people who responded to your maptionnaire and those who just visited it
  • Charts turns response data into charts and word clouds that you can download for use in reports
  • Map responses allows you to examine and visualize the map data you have collected and export it as map files

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To export your results and hide some respondents (e.g. test data) from view, go to Results

  • Download data allows you to download the results as a single Excel file
  • Legacy download is included in older subscriptions with surveys created before June 24, 2024
  • PDF reports is included in subscriptions with the PDF creator feature
  • Hide respondents from data allows you to hide any data from the analysis tool and the Excel export
  • Moderate allows you to moderate responses in surveys where the map responses are publicly shared to all respondents

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And that's it, now you know all the main sections of Maptionnaire! Next, why not take a look at the other articles in Get started ?


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