Images can be used as answer options in the Choose one, Poll and Choose multiple question types. You combine text with image or opt to have just images as options.
- Upload all images you want to use to Materials. Make sure that their combined size is reasonable, preferably under 500 kb.
Go to the question element in your survey. Under Answer options are three tabs. Go to the Extra settings tab.
You will see a setting called Answer option image, with an empty field below it. Click the field to browse all images in Materials, and select the one you want to use for this answer option.
- Repeat step #3 for each answer option.
Go to the main Extra settings.
UnderList style, choose Images or Image grid (if you choose the grid, you can adjust the number of images shown in one column from Image column number).
- If you DO NOT want to feature text in the answer options, toggle Hide option names.
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