In this section, we will tell about the new additions to Maptionnaire. Check this space to keep up with what's new in Maptionnaire!
When creating a multiple choice question (Choose one or Choose multiple), you no longer need to add an Open question element in order to enable respondents to specify an option that's not in the list. Instead, simply toggle on "Add "Other, please specify" as the last option" and "Other" is added as the last item. When a respondent chooses it, a text field opens where they can write their answer.
Now you can take any image file and layer it on top of a map, as it's now possible to georeference the image directly in Maptionnaire! Simply upload the image to Materials and click the Georeference button. You can find step-by-step instructions here.
This feature makes it possible to filter charts based on different conditions, such as submission status or by age group. For more information about it, please see this article.
This element allows the respondent to drag and drop a list of choices to their preferred order. You can read more about it here.
You can now preview just one page of a questionnaire and bypass mandatory question settings.
Preview a specific page by clicking the three dots on the corner of that page in the page menu.
Bypass mandatory questions by opening a browsing menu from the cog symbol and using it to browse through the questionnaire pages.
It's now possible to publish a test version of your survey first. You can edit it and share it with test respondents. Then when you are sure that everything is ready, you can publish a final version for data collection. These changes apply to all surveys created after June 24, 2024. You can read more here.
We're also introducing changes to the Excel results spreadsheet. Previously, you have received a file with data from all published versions of your survey and it has been up to you to remove or hide test entries. Now, with the changes to survey testing and publication flow, we're starting to offer download per publication version as the standard – which automatically leaves the test data out of the Excel.
In the analysis tool, you can now choose to view only responses received to a specific publication version of the survey.
The analysis tool, included in every Maptionnaire subscription, produces graphs and charts of survey responses automatically – and now you can make them match your brand without having to adapt the colors in each graph!
Before, you could only invite people with Maptionnaire accounts to your team. Now, you can invite a person even if they haven't registered yet. They will be sent an email, which directs them to registration after they have accepted the invitation.
Invitations are still sent from the same place (Manage teams Team settings Members Invite member), but we've added further instructions along the way to make it even easier to invite your colleagues to work in Maptionnaire.
Two of our most impressive features are the pop-up map (which allows you to direct respondents' focus to specific places on the map and ask further questions about them in a pop-up) and the select map (which allows respondents to select features directly from the map as their response). But what if you want people to both select places and answer further questions based on their selection? We've now adapted the pop-up map so that when a respondent selects a feature, it becomes highlighted. This way respondents can keep track which features they have selected.
This feature allows you to define where map responses can be placed by the respondent. You can define areas where they shouldn't be placed, or force respondents to stay inside a specific area. For example, if you want the public's output regarding a plan, you can make sure that the responses you get focus on that plan area. You can find instructions here.
If you want to ask respondents to register and log in to respond to a survey or to vote, it's now possible for them to do so using their Google/Facebook accounts. This makes the process smoother and easier! :)
We're wrapping up the year by simplifying our survey tool even further. Before, you had to navigate between survey and page settings when setting up a map or image background. Now, you make all decisions regarding backgrounds, layout and alignment in the page settings. You can find instructions here.
We've also re-organized and simplified Survey settings. There are now 4 tabs by default:
- Title – the settings that were previously under Card + internal name and description.
- Language – same as before
- Publication – everything related to publishing your survey and collecting responses
- Style – Remains the same, except for form layout and alignment, which you now decide in page settings.
In October 2023, we introduced two new map formats that you can use in Maptionnaire: Cloud Optimized GeoTIFF and Vector Tile Service.
- To use GeoTIFFs in Maptionnaire, please contact
- For Vector Tile Services, make sure that they are in the coordinate system EPSG: 3857. You should find the link for using VMT in the program you have used to generate them.
- Improved graphs. In the analysis tool, we have improved the editing possibilities of graphs. For more information, please see this article.
- Respondent/bounce visitor numbers. You can now also see how many people responded per question, and view and download graphs of how many people responded to your survey. Read more about this here.
- 'Is not blank' included as a filter option for map responses. E.g. if you asked people to mark a place and elaborate in their own words on its meaning to them, you can filter only those responses with answers to be shown on the map.
- Explore is back with improved features. Each feature drawn by respondents is assigned a number (you can turn this off if you want). You can zoom to different areas on the map and focus only on the responses in that area. To learn more about this change, please see this article.
- Simplified Excel file. You can now download an Easy version of the results file. We have removed all unnecessary columns from it to make it as simple as can be – this work will also continue in the future. You can read more about the Excel file here.
In August 2023, we implemented a change to how surveys, materials, pages and projects are presented in Maptionnaire.
Previously, surveys were shown as cards, as in the image below:
In practice this made it quite difficult to navigate between surveys.
This is why from now on, you will see surveys in your team as a list:
We have not removed any functionalities, but just made finding everything a little bit easier. The same change applies to other sections: Materials, Projects (incl. Ideas and Proposals), and Pages (Webpage Builder).
Questionnaires are now in the order in which they were created, newest first. If you re-publish a survey, it won't 'jump' to the top of the list. You can sort the list by creation date to show oldest surveys first.
The Internal name of the survey can be set in Survey settings > General.
The Questionnaire title is taken from Survey settings > Card.
The Internal description comes from Survey settings > General.
Image is the one you've chosen in Survey settings > Card.
Created is the date when the survey was first created.
To go to the editor, click the button with a pencil icon under Edit
To view the analysis tool, click the chart symbol under Analyze
To download results data/hide test responses, click the download symbol under Results
To view the published survey and copy its link, click the button under View
To transfer, copy, archive or delete a survey: tick the checkbox next to the survey's name, and choose the appropriate action by clicking Actions (see image below):
How to categorize and search for surveys
You can search for surveys by their internal name and description. Search by choosing whether you want to search by name or description, and then typing a search term in the box that says 'Search' (see arrow in picture above).
Another way to organize your surveys is by using color codes, e.g. the pink color above. The color can be set in Survey settings > Card.
How to find out how many people visited or responded to your survey
Click the arrow symbol on the left-hand side of the survey's internal name, and you will see its internal and 'official' title and description. You will also be able to see how many people visited your survey (everyone who responded + everyone who just viewed the survey without interacting with the questions), and how many actually left answers. Respondents includes both the submitted and unsubmitted responses.
Materials follows a similar logic as Questionnaires.
Name = the name of the file, which you can alter in Edit
Type = whether the asset in question is an image, map file, document, or audio clip
Edit (pencil symbol) = go to the editing window
Preview (only for images) = shows you what the image looks like
Created = the time when the survey was first uploaded to Maptionnaire
You can filter materials by type (e.g. image, type of map...) and search for them using search terms.
To copy, transfer, archive or delete a file, tick the checkbox on the left of its name and click the Actions button.
Internal name and description can be set in Page settings. Page title, description and image come from the Card settings.
To edit, preview, or view a page, click the buttons under Edit, Preview or View.
Tags are the tags you have set in the page settings. You can also search for pages by tag:
Language is the language of the page that you have set in page settings. Translation group is a code shared by the pages that are different language versions of the same content and have been linked together under Languages.
To Archive, Restore (if archived), Delete, Transfer, Copy or Bulk edit pages, tick the checkboxes next to the pages in question and click the Actions button.
You can now add a commenting box to e.g. click map pop-ups. This feature allows citizens to discuss specific places on the map. Read more about this feature here.