The element library is divided into two sections: questions and content elements. This article focuses on the content elements. These are elements that you can use to give respondents more information and to customize the visual content of the questionnaire. When drafting your questionnaire, you can get more detailed information on each element and setting by clicking the ? symbols.
Use this element to add a heading or a subsection heading. You can choose the font size, alignment and style of the heading under the Extra settings tab.
Text box
DO NOT use this element to ask open questions, as there is a separate question element for that.
Use the text box for including a paragraph of text in your questionnaire. You can use this for example to give more information related to the questionnaire or to specific questions. E.g. if you want to ask respondents about different aspects of a project on different pages, you could start each page with a short description of the topic of that page. As with the header, you can choose the font size and alignment of the text.
Currently supported markdown codes:
- Italics: _sentence_ or *sentence*
- Bold: __sentence__ or **sentence**
- Embed link: [link title](url)
- Ordered list: Add the order number + period + space to each sentence
- Emojis: :emojiname:, list of emoji names found here
To create text effects, you can also use markdown language. This enables you to for example embed links and highlight text. For a more thorough explanation on markdown language and how it works on Maptionnaire, please take a look at this video:
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