When to use this?
If you want to track how respondents found out about the questionnaire. For example, how many people accessed it via a Facebook ad or a flyer.
How does this work?
For each type of ad, add different endings to the questionnaire link. For example, if the basic questionnaire URL is app.maptionnaire.com/q/example, you could add ?utm_source=facebook to the link that is used in Facebook ads. The link would then be app.maptionnaire.com/q/example?utm_source=facebook.
- Publish the questionnaire in test mode.
- Choose which UTM parameter should be used:
- utm_source = the website which sent the respondent to the questionnaire
- utm_medium = the type of link that directed respondents to the questionnaire
- utm_content = the specific element that was clicked to access the questionnaire
- utm_campaign = if the respondent found the questionnaire through for example a campaign
- utm_term = the search terms that the respondent used to find the questionnaire
- Prepare the links by adding the needed UTM parameters to the URL of your questionnaire, e.g. ?utm_source=facebook for the Facebook ads and ?utm_source=flyer for the flyers.
- Add the UTM tracker element to the questionnaire (first page is usually the best place). Choose which Parameter you want to track. Under Label, write a column heading for the results Excel. The links that respondents used will be listed in that column in the results.
- If you are using multiple UTM parameters (e.g. both "source" and "content"), add a UTM tracker element for each, repeating step #4.
- Publish the questionnaire in test mode again. Test the links and that they are recorded correctly in the results Excel.