Use this element when you want the respondent to choose only one answer option. (Note! If you want to ask respondents to rate multiple items or statements or tell about how often they do or use something, it can be simpler to use a Multiple choice grid instead) 

How to use this element:

Add the question element to your draft.

Screenshot 2025-01-13 at 1.37.55 PM.png

Write the question in the space for question label, and the answer options in the boxes below. You can add boxes by clicking the +

Turn on Add "Other,please specify" as the last option if you want the last option to be "Other". When the respondent chooses it, a text field where they can specify what they mean opens automatically.

List style: Style the question by turning it into (for example) a drop-down menu or buttons 

Add images or icons to the answer options

Set the answer option to zoom to a location on the map when clicked

Set up a page jump, directing those respondents who chose a specific answer option to a different page from the other respondents

Under Extra settings you can also Randomize the order of options for each respondent 

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