Maptionnaire has two participatory budgeting elements. They are called budgeting and geobudgeting elements, and they both allow the respondent to participate in the allocation of resources such as funds or CO2 emissions. The geobudgeting element also enables the respondent to place the budgeted items on a map.
To see an example of how these elements can be used in a questionnaire, please see this link.
How to use the geobudgeting element:
The geobudgeting element functions otherwise the same as the budgeting element, except that it incorporates the mapping feature and as such has slightly more extensive settings.
Set up the map or interactive image that you want to use (see Questionnaire backgrounds).
Add the geobudgeting element to your questionnaire. Its settings are divided into three tabs: Basic, Extra and Dataname. The drawbuttons (the buttons that the respondent clicks to choose that option and place it on the map) also have four settings tabs: Basic, Extra, Style and Dataname.
First, go to the Basic settings and write the question in Question label. Enter your budget in numbers (without commas between thousands, i.e. 10000 instead of 10,000). Enter the unit of the budget. The unit symbol is placed after the number by default, but you can change that from the Extra settings tab by switching on Unit first.
Then, move to the Drawbuttons section and enter the item names and costs for each drawbutton (=button that respondent clicks to draw on map). Select whether you want the respondents to be able to choose each item only once or several times. You can then make further decisions regarding style and content of the options under Extra and Style settings for each drawbutton.
Under the Extra settings tab for this element, you can write a description for the question and choose other settings.
When you're asking people to vote, you may also want to include a mechanism to confirm that the voter has made their final decision. Instead of counting only the votes of those respondents who clicked Done at the end of the survey, we recommend using the Single checkbox element for this. Include it somewhere close to the voting questions (e.g. on the same page). If you have voting questions on several pages, you can include a "I confirm my vote on this page"-checkbox on each of them.
When thinking of the placement of the checkbox on the page, please remember that the screen sizes of the devices that the voters use may vary a great deal, with smaller screens necessitating scrolling down the page to see all questions.
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