If respondents use the same device (session reset/reset link)

Are your respondents sharing a device, e.g. at a workshop?

Is a researcher collecting responses from several participants? 

By default, the Allow only one respondent per device+browser-setting (formerly Maintain respondent session) is on in all questionnaires. 

You can just turn it off, but sometimes you may need a 'hybrid' solution (e.g. most respondents will use their personal devices but there is also a workshop with shared devices).  

In this type of case, you can leave the setting on, but use a different questionnaire link with a reset parameter for the for the workshop. The reset parameter forces a fresh respondent session each time that the questionnaire is accessed through it.

How do I set up the reset parameter?

Simply add the ending ?reset=true to the questionnaire URL. For example, if your questionnaire URL was 


you could turn it into a reset link by adding ?reset=true to the end:


Why can't I just use incognito/private browsing window?

You can, but it's not a 100% sure way of resetting the browser session. To be on the safe side, use a reset parameter.

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